Group-Hug is here with You!   This rapidly growing HUMANITY CULTURE is Wild & Alive but it's not new. This lifestyle historically repeats in cycles as the economy and the unemployment rate recycles.  It was similar to what was identified as Hooverville in the 1930's.  The current layer of street drug addictions is, of course, much more complicated & tragic.  Yes, they are the tent cities, sidewalk sleepers, and Human Souls we see surviving around our neighborhoods, central areas, public transits, and lining many freeways as well.

-Are we connected or are we disconnected? 

-Isn't Our Loving Compassion able to connect with all Humanity in a fundamental way?

-Do we measure "Human Homeless Culture" with a different size ruler than other cultures? 

-How can we bridge this gap between us?

-Are the Free People Culture's circumstances a result of their own Self -Destructive habits or has society shut them out long ago?

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