Group-Hug knows the effects of lingering pandemic issues creating chronic and increased levels of hysteria & panic. We have all realized that things won't be the same in many ways, including us! We now expect drastic changes, product shortages and increasing prices as our new normal. We watch the News reporting increasing crime rates, human rights, womens rights, aggressive violence and conflicts. Politics and wars challenge our comprehension. There's a decreased sense of humanity within our urban social structure. The opposition's as a whole now seem endless, yet we must create a new mode for Peace to survive. If we don't change we can't survive and if we don't survive we can't change.
  • From our recent evolution how will we recreate a positive future for our coming generations?
  • What lingering effects of this constant negative World News will instill on young adults?
  • How can we brainstorm to build a positive foundation for humanity as we used to know it?
  • What news do we know to be actually accurate and trustworthy?
  • Is it possible to "normalize" TRUTH and incorporate a social support for a National well being?
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