Group-H.U.G. / Human Understanding Group is a Different Platform style which is safe & supportive, allowing space for Growth & Your Truth! Group-Hug hears You!

Share Your life experiences, stories and compare views on important issues that we’re all facing in these uncertain times! Our goal is to help us negotiate a Higher Standard of inclusion, kindness, and solidarity, for a progressive community and for healthier individuals, families and a Better World!


Group-Hug is an ANONYMOUS setting so Please be thoughtful and respectful to All!

Thanks & Register Below!

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Welcome in! We’re glad you’re here! We want to hear from You: Go to Register, sign in, then Click on any Forum Conversation! Join any Forum by posting Your Own story or by giving Feedback to another story!

Benefits of joining the Group-Hug community include:

1. Build a better sense of Humanity & Inclusion.
2. Open Real Life perspectives through shared & personal experiences.
3. Find resolve on issues whithin which we we’ve become stuck.
4. Create a Support System for improved Emotional and Spiritual Health.
5. Gain New Perspective & Insight on Challenges we ALL face.

As Group-Hug Grows we will expand topics, possibly limit groups to a more personal setting of 8-10 people & refresh the conversations frequently.

Therefore, we encourage all Feedback and Suggestions for Our Final Product. Please click on Register button and sign-in above.

Please see our About Page, Rules & Resources Page for Further Info.

This site is discrete in nature, but Group-Hug Rules and Guidelines MUST be honored.

View Topics Below….. You MUST Register Above to Post!!!

Welcome In

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    • Freshness
        Group-Hug knows it's time for us to see each soul without judgement. It's time to simply acknowledge our spirits & our humanity. We have evolved in leaps & bounds during these past few years. Many of us learned to treat each other with loving kindness, yet some have become angry & spiteful. A Kindness Code and a spiritual embrace is much needed in order to reset our human reality. No one shares quite the same reality. At this point in time any positive communication and common ground goes a long way. To be a positive example for younger generations may begin to undo some division which past generations created. Division creates conflict and conflict is the affliction which we have grown accustomed to living with. The numbers of emotionally unhealthy individuals, families and relationships is higher than ever. It's truly time to take responsibility without judgment or labels to learn and teach a new united Code of Kindness.

      - What type of kindness have you grown to appreciate now that society has shown from the pandemic?

      - How would you define a Code of Kindness that can work for all of humanity?

      - Speak on a new way you approach a stranger now, since we have had to distance ourselves?

      - How do you respond when a stranger reaches out to you in a kind way?

      - How do you feel when a random employee at a store talks to you like they know you or greets you like they truly care about You?

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    • 1 year, 11 months ago



      Group-Hug is here with You!   This rapidly growing HUMANITY CULTURE is Wild & Alive but it's not new. This lifestyle historically repeats in cycles as the economy and the unemployment rate recycles.  It was similar to what was identified as Hooverville in the 1930's.  The current layer of street drug addictions is, of course, much more complicated & tragic.  Yes, they are the tent cities, sidewalk sleepers, and Human Souls we see surviving around our neighborhoods, central areas, public transits, and lining many freeways as well.

      -Are we connected or are we disconnected? 

      -Isn't Our Loving Compassion able to connect with all Humanity in a fundamental way?

      -Do we measure "Human Homeless Culture" with a different size ruler than other cultures? 

      -How can we bridge this gap between us?

      -Are the Free People Culture's circumstances a result of their own Self -Destructive habits or has society shut them out long ago?

      How does this topic relate to the other topics in Group-Hug?


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    • No Topics

        Group-Hug has learned a lot about all that we do in order to survive. Unfortunately, identity is everything in our current society. We adapt, we compromise, we stretch our identity into what we are influenced by and what we believe we are supposed to become. This begins at such a young age we aren't even aware. From pain, joy, experiences, and heredity we strive to become something while we may feel another thing completely different inside. Yet what we allow people to actually see can be something entirely different. Our lifetime challenge is to get these mind, body, and soul into alignment.
      • How do You negotiate to a higher level of acceptance?
      • What is the importance of identity, status, wealth, race, when we meet someone?
      • Does the value of any human life weigh differently according to their status?
      • What values are most important to you about yourself?
      • Is it necessary for someone you care about to have the same values and ideals as you do?
      • What ideals and values do you strive the most to achieve?
      • To what extent have you gone to in order to create an identity that is NOT authentic?
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    • 1 year, 11 months ago


    • NEW NEWS 4US
        Group-Hug knows the effects of lingering pandemic issues creating chronic and increased levels of hysteria & panic. We have all realized that things won't be the same in many ways, including us! We now expect drastic changes, product shortages and increasing prices as our new normal. We watch the News reporting increasing crime rates, human rights, womens rights, aggressive violence and conflicts. Politics and wars challenge our comprehension. There's a decreased sense of humanity within our urban social structure. The opposition's as a whole now seem endless, yet we must create a new mode for Peace to survive. If we don't change we can't survive and if we don't survive we can't change.
      • From our recent evolution how will we recreate a positive future for our coming generations?
      • What lingering effects of this constant negative World News will instill on young adults?
      • How can we brainstorm to build a positive foundation for humanity as we used to know it?
      • What news do we know to be actually accurate and trustworthy?
      • Is it possible to "normalize" TRUTH and incorporate a social support for a National well being?
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    • 1 year, 1 month ago




      Group-Hug is right here with You!  Almost 2 years later, we are still a PANDEMIC WORLD, for the most part, or are we? Currently there is a definite and noticeable shift in society. Emotions and tensions are now generally higher and shifted. COVID-19 means different things to different people. For some it has brought depression, or anxiety, or fear, or death, and others conspiracy. We have all felt it differently in our own experiences.

      - What does COVID-19 mean to you & what has Your experience been?

      - How do we hold space gracefully for all aspects of this reality?

      - Speak on what has guided and comforted You through The Pandemic?

      -What have You experienced as 'trauma' from The Pandemic?

      -How do You see these Quarantine/Pandemic experiences as lessons for the future?

      -Can we negotiate more INCLUSION now, instead of more judgement towards one another?

      How does this Forum Topic relate to other Topics in Group-Hug?




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    • 1 year, 11 months ago


    • FEEDBACK is so glad that You are here!!! We thank you for all of  your input! We’re very excited to hear useful feedback and suggestions! Please tell us your favorite forum topics, ideas, or whether you prefer to use a group with a limited number of guests or just an open ended and streaming forum?  What style format would you like to see?

      We need to hear from You!!!  Please Tell Your Friends to Register today! Your email is required in order to forwar any Group-Hug updates.

      For questions and comments please email us at

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    • 3 years, 2 months ago



– No personal attacks allowed of any kind.

– No degrading remarks towards any level or category of society of any kind.

– No bullying type of behavior allowed.

– All Hug members must respect the conversation and support loving kindness & spiritual insight.

– Do not maintain two separate accounts using other names or impersonate someone else.

– Do not repost private messages without permission or copyright material, nor promote commercial enterprise or business or spam, nor upload an avatar which contains nudity.

– All participants take full-responsibility for their interactions and the results of those actions.

//Any user who misuses these guidelines may be temporarily banned from posting, or in extreme cases permanently banned from Group-Hug.  If you have a concern regarding any user or the nature therof send Group-Hug a note immediately.

//It is always recommended to seek evaluation and treatment from a professional medical or mental health provider when needed. Group-Hug is a site for exploration, dialogue and support; Group-Hug is not a substitute for professional help.

//If feeling in danger or at risk of self harm or harming another please call a hotline listed in our Rules & Info. Page

Agree to the Rules & Guidelines by signing in above.

For questions and comments please email us at