Group-Hug has learned a lot about all that we do in order to survive. Unfortunately, identity is everything in our current society. We adapt, we compromise, we stretch our identity into what we are influenced by and what we believe we are supposed to become. This begins at such a young age we aren't even aware. From pain, joy, experiences, and heredity we strive to become something while we may feel another thing completely different inside. Yet what we allow people to actually see can be something entirely different. Our lifetime challenge is to get these mind, body, and soul into alignment.
  • How do You negotiate to a higher level of acceptance?
  • What is the importance of identity, status, wealth, race, when we meet someone?
  • Does the value of any human life weigh differently according to their status?
  • What values are most important to you about yourself?
  • Is it necessary for someone you care about to have the same values and ideals as you do?
  • What ideals and values do you strive the most to achieve?
  • To what extent have you gone to in order to create an identity that is NOT authentic?
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